Dart & Plymouth Valiant Haynes Repair Manual covering Dodge Dart,
Demon, Plymouth Valiant, Duster & Barracuda (1967 thru 1969) and 6
cylinder engines for 1967 thru 1976 (Note #30050 Dodge RWD supercedes
book #30025 for coverage of years ’71 thru ’76)
Repair Manual for the Dodge Dart & Plymouth Valiant covering Dodge
Dart, Demon, Plymouth Valiant, Duster & Barracuda (1967 thru 1969)
and 6 cylinder engines for 1967 thru 1976 (Note #30050 Dodge RWD
supercedes book #30025 for coverage of years ’71 thru ‘76) has clear
instructions and hundreds of photographs to help you perform anything
from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Whether you're a beginner or
a pro, you can save big with Haynes!
Complete coverage for your Dodge Dart & Plymouth Valiant (see years covered):
--Routine Maintenance
--Tune-up procedures
--Engine repair
--Cooling and heating
--Air Conditioning
--Fuel and exhaust
--Emissions control
--Suspension and steering
--Electrical systems
--Wiring diagram